043 3 Steps to Effortless Relationships - with Midlife Coach Rebecca Perkins
Connect with Rebecca Perkins
Websites: themidlifecoach.com | irresistibledating.co.uk
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Group Training and Small Retreats
Loving Midlife: Reconnecting with a Sense of Purpose
4 week online programme starting on Friday 6th OctoberLearn more here!
One day Midlife Reinvention workshops
Around the Dining Room Table with Rebecca Perkins 11th November and 13th January.Learn More here!
Ebooks and online programmes
the-midlife-coach.thinkific.com | payhip.com/themidlifecoach

Best Knickers Always : 50 Lessons for Midlife by Rebecca Perkins
"Have you ever caught a glimpse of yourself in the mirror and wondered who is that woman staring back? Could your relationship do with a revamp? Or are you coping wth divorce and wondering if you can ever face dating again? Do you wonder where your confidence went? Do you have a little voice that says, 'Oh I couldn't, I'm too old/ unfit/ overweight/ tired?"Available on Amazon
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