[Interview] Talking Love, Dating, Divorce and Life with Kate Hartley from Flourish Therapy
An interview I did recently with the lovely Kate Hartley from Flourish Therapy and host of the Flourish and Thrive Radio Show.
You can listen to it here: http://tobtr.com/9848947
A frank discussion about love, dating, divorce and the things that derail us in life.Amongst other things we talk about:• How to find the root of what is blocking love from our lives• Why our relationship with ourselves sets the tone for every other relationship in our lives.• Why our relationships are our mirrors and our biggest clues to the missing parts in our relationship with ourselves.I also share my favourite quote and the stories that inspired my way of looking at life.My own first marriage and subsequent divorce nearly destroyed me. A feeling that I share with a number of my clients. I had to find a way to make sense of it all, find meaning in it. It took me a long time to put that to rest and to stop seeing my future through the lenses of the past.But eventually I figured it out and realised it was the biggest gift - because it changed my life. Now I help my clients do the same - to get unstuck, move on and realise their best is ahead of them.Your best is yet to come and you have the power to make it happen!
Here's the link again: http://tobtr.com/9848947
Hope you enjoy!
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