Why Are You Single Right Now?
Let me start off by saying that I know there are many very happy and content single people, men and women out there who have no desire for a relationship now, or maybe even ever. I certainly don't believe you have to be in relationship to be happy - far from it!
On the other hand I also know how hard it can be - and I understand a lot of the pain and frustration that comes with being on your own when what you really want is to be in a loving, committed relationship.
Seeing everybody around you seemingly loved up and blissfully happy (not always true by the way!) is not easy when you go home alone night after night. Especially when you're getting over the end of a relationship and you're in the process of healing your heart.
Ultimately this is still a preferable position to be in than somebody who may be coupled up and yet desperately unhappy and feeling trapped and stuck for whatever reason. Would you agree?
If you can I'd encourage you to consider these 3 ways of making sense of why you're single right now and how you can use it to your full advantage.
- A time to reconnect to yourself. To do the things for yourself that you have left behind for a long time because you put somebody else first. A time to be gentle with yourself and give yourself the love and tenderness you've been missing so much recently. And it can be an enormous amount of fun too!
2. Being single can be the best time for you to truly learn about yourself in this stage of your life – wherever that is for you right now. About what you are capable of and your capacity for loving again.
3. You have every opportunity to do the work you personally need to do to make sure your next relationship is the best choice you've ever made. This is one of the greatest gift you can give yourself, your future partner and your next relationship.
If you've been single for some time and you keep waiting for something or somebody in order to live and love without reservation it is ultimately you that suffer.
Every new day is the most important day of your life (super cliché I know, but so true!) and you have endless opportunities to make choices that will enrich your life in a beautiful way.
And who knows – along the way you may just bump into somebody special who are on the same wavelength as you now.
Both ready for the relationship you've been looking for all along.
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