Dating Skills

027 Your Most Important Relationship

Day 10/11: "I FEEL GOOD ABOUT MYSELF - I am happy with my physical appearance, style and presentation, I feel confident in my body and exploring a new sexual & intimate relationship in future."

024 Dating After Divorce or Breakup - Creating Space For Love

Day 7/21: "MY LIFE SCHEDULE ALLOWS FOR ME TO BE AVAILABLE FOR COMMITMENT – I don't have work, family or other commitments that could sabotage dating and a new relationship. If there are I have arrangements in place to take care of this. My schedule, commitments and lifestyle allow my availability to...

Online Dating: 4 Surefire ways to win at online dating

Research is now showing that about a third of relationships start online so if you're interested and you want to try it out - read this first.1. YOUR PHOTOS I can't emphasise the importance of your profile pictures enough! This is literally the first thing potential matches look at so pay extra...