
006I: Zita Alves - Proven strategies for Body Confidence

From self-proclaimed coach potato to award-winning fitness expert, Zita Alves shares with us how she transformed her mindset, health and lifestyle and how she now helps others do the same. Whether you need a body-confidence boost or a complete lifestyle change, Zita shares some fantastic advices...

What do you really want in your relationship?

Are you absolutely certain what it is that YOU need and want in your intimate relationship to experience love in a way that is meaningful to you? This may sound so obvious – but so many of us have never actually taken the time to think about what it is that we want to create in the context of our...

001 Why your relationships start with you

Ané explains why, when it comes to love, dating and relationships - it all starts with one person only: You. She also talks about what it means to be 'Ready for Love' and what a 'Ready for Love' life looks like.

Relationship Red flags – 10 questions to ask yourself

If you're reading this it may be that you have some niggling doubts or uncertainty about the person you're dating or in a relationship with. It's natural to have some doubts at times – going through that process in our heads and hearts can help us decide whether somebody is the right person for us...

Build Your Dating Confidence – The Benefits of using a Coach

It can be difficult to start dating again after a serious relationships ends. Some women report that they feel ready to date as soon as the split is announced; the vast majority say that they need a period of time to grieve, heal and begin to discover who they are – and what they want from a new...

10 Really Practical Ways to Love Yourself

My big mantra when it comes to dating and relationships is that it really all starts with you. Your relationship with yourself ultimately determines who and what you accept in your life. And we accept the love and care we think we deserve – whether that's consciously or unconsciously. For many years...